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10. august-terrorens plass i undervisningen : en kvalitativ studie om lærere i Oslo og Bærum sine forståelser av 10. august-terroren og dens potensiale for elevers demokratiske medborgerskap
(Master thesis, 2022)Skolen er en arena hvor elevene skal trenes på å bli demokratiske medborgere. Inspirert av implementeringen av læreplanen fra 2020 og forskning om undervisning om 22. juli, er tema for denne studien hvordan terrorangrepet ... -
157 bønner - Kan bønner ”utenfra” prege et bønneliv ”innenfra”?
(Master thesis, 2016)Boken 157 bønner ble brått en slager i Storsalen menighet da den ble gitt ut i 2015. Med stort engasjement rundt publiseringen, og mange ukentlige brukere ble jeg nysgjerrig på hvilken betydning denne boken kan få i unge ... -
The 2021 Excavation Season at Šams al-Dīn (Kharga Oasis)
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
22. juli i lærebøker : en kvalitativ innholdsanalyse av et utvalg norske lærebøker i religions- og samfunnsfagene i ungdomsskolen og videregåendeskole
(Master thesis, 2021)Denne masteroppgaven undersøker fremstillingen av 22. juli som tematikk i lærebøker i religions og samfunnsfagene i ungdomsskolen og videregående skole. Problemstillingen for studien er: Hvordan fremstiller et utvalg ... -
4Q216: Rethinking Jubilees in the First Century BCE
(Doctoral thesis, 2018) -
75 år siden Nordens viktigste religionspsykologiske studie
(Journal article, 2007)Om boka: Religion og psykologi : en studie over tre religiøse opplevelsestyper -
A Comparison of 18th Century Discipleship Approach[e] of John Wesley to the 21st Century Discipleship Approach of Greg Ogden
(Master thesis, 2017)Jesus commanded the Church in Matthew 28 to go and make disciples of all nations. However, Jesus discipled 12 of his followers and they became transformed and empowered, such that through them, Christianity spread in the ... -
A Coptic Liturgical Prayer for the Consecration of the Chalice
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017) -
A Critique of Northern Theology by Theologians from the Global South
(Master thesis, 2012-10-25)What is the critique of Northern theology from theologians from the Global South? To help answer the research question, the following sub-questions will be used: What are they criticizing? Who is criticizing? What is the ... -
A gift from God? : an analysis of the role of religion in the restriction of free speech and the reversal of democracy in Turkey in the aftermath of the attempted coup in Istanbul 16th of July 2016
(Master thesis, 2018)This thesis presents a case study that aims to analyze the relationship between freedom of speech, democracy and religion. The case study is conducted as an analysis of the ongoing political shift in the aftermath of the ... -
A higher selfhood : an investigation of Christian science thoughts and practices about healing prayer use
(Master thesis, 2019)It is the purpose of this thesis to further knowledge and understanding of why, when, and how people pray for their health. Many Christian Scientists believe in the effectiveness of prayer as a tool for maintaining and ... -
A mobile hospice nurse teaching team’s experience: training care workers in spiritual and existential care for the dying - a qualitative study
(Journal article, 2015)Background Nursing home and home care nursing staff must increasingly deal with palliative care challenges, due to cost cutting in specialized health care. Research indicates that a significant number of dying patients ... -
A Narrative Analysis of Selected Street Children Running Away from Institutional Care : a religious based organization
(Master thesis, 2019)Street children and runaways are global phenomena that occur as a serious problem worldwide. In this project research, it explores the topic of street children running away from home facilities in the context of children ... -
A. L. Morton’s English Utopia and the Critical Study of Apocalypticism and Millenarianism
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
Abraham i Rom 4 : en dialog med N.T. Wright
(Spesialavhandling, 2016-04-28) -
Abram the One from Beyond-the-River, and King Chedorlaomer of Elam (Genesis 14): Persia and the Formation of Judaean Ethnic Identity in a Late Patriarchal Narrative
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
Activities for improving the health conditions of marginalized children by Normisjon in Okhaldhunga district in Nepal
(Master thesis, 2018)Normisjon being a Christian organization has been overhauling the poor health condition of those marginalized and destitute children in the Okhaldhunga district financing patient relief fund in the Okhaldhunga hospital ... -
The Added Value of Civil Society Organizations in the Provision of Welfare State Services
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)