Rethinking about shifting denomination of the believers in Hmawngtlang
The research aims to investigate the cause of the shifting faith and switching denomination. This problem was not only faced by many churches in another part of the world, but it also happened in my hometown within the three denominations which recognized as American Baptist Mission, United Pentecostal Church, and Assembly of God. There were shifting denomination or moving from old to the new faith. It was happening in the place called Hmawngtlang village, Chin State, Myanmar. I as the researcher, the interview is conducted to collect data from the interviewees to answer the research question and sub-questions.
I applied the qualitative research method as my research method. I interviewed four pastors and five shifters. Additionally, the work deals with the churches and find out what and why they were segregated to relate the causes of how they are linked up to my statement of the problem with my research.
Understanding the faith transformation experiences of the shifters in the three denominations show the evidence that when a person has changed his faith, he was still controlled by such old church doctrine, culture, and tradition. Thus, the new converter finds out a new place where he can express and feel his spiritual freedom. Most reasons for the pastors and members those who were left the old denomination are the people who wanted to have freedom.
The switching faith and find out new denomination rooted in the nine personalities that described by Gary Thomas, it said, God created everyone uniquely such as some people wanted to worship God with noise while the other wanted silent. Therefore, people try to find out the new church where they can have a good relationship with God according to their personalities (Thomas, 1996).