Speiderledere og kristen undervisning : en fokusgruppestudie om speiderlederes refleksjoner over kristen undervisning i Metodistkirkens speiderkorps
The problem question of this master thesis is: what reflections do scout leaders in the United
Methodist Church scout movement in Norway have on Christian education of scouts? The
problem question is investigated through a qualitative method building on focus group
interviews with scout leaders. The results are measured against the theory of education
about didactic models, and theory of the content and methods of education. The findings
can be divided into overarching reflections, reflections related to the content of education
and the methods of education. The overarching reflections includes reflections on that
scouting has a low-threshold approach where preaching is toned down. The content of
Christian education ranges from a major focus on ethics and morale to a major focus on both
ethics and morale as well as contemporary Christianity. In the methods of education the
reflections ranges from not having any worship to having worship. Both groups have scout
services as a part of the work. The findings indicate that it can be useful for scout leaders
and congregation to speak about the goal of working with scout issues and the content and
methods of Christian education, to ensure that the scouts will receive such a broad
education in Christianity as possible.