The Mission thinking of the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus (EECMY)
This project has the objective of presenting and assessing the mission understanding of the Church as she has been carrying out God’s mission within the border of Ethiopia for the last 51 years (1959-2010) and also as she is preparing herself to spread the gospel beyond the Ethiopian border. Being a study based on qualitative research, the approach this thesis will take is mainly historical. The historical presentation can be either diachronic or synchronic. Diachronic presentation is the chronological historical presentation whereas synchronic presentation is the description of present history. This thesis will take mainly synchronic historical presentation. The main focus of the study will be the current understanding one can find in the church. The mission understanding in EECMY for the past five decades is the background. The Mission thinking of EECMY will be explored as the church has been involved in mission and responding to different internal and external factors that were affecting her during this period. This means that thematically some topics will be explored.