Can Religion be too much? A Research on Healing and Prosperity in Two Kenyan Charismatic Churches
In the world today, there are many churches that are operational, some run by ordained ministers and some run by self-ordained ministers. Each church has a doctrine they teach and they have a mission statement that governs their operations. There are different perspectives when it comes to teachings and doctrines in these churches. This makes it not a simple task to agree with each other concerning all matters that may arise concerning faith and things of the kingdom of God.
People join certain congregations because they feel the connection within them and are comfortable with the doctrines of a particular church. They go where their needs are met. When a church preaches about prosperity healing and success, you will notice that many people who are in need will be found there because they can relate to the teachings of the church. Same way it is when one is sick, they will go to the hospital, when one needs knowledge they will go to education institutions and not just any, but those that cater for their needs as per what they desire. When one needs a designer shoe, they will not go to the local market that sells vegetables, likewise when people have needs in life and are looking for a church to serve, they will identify the church that serves them according to their desire or need. Something else that matters is that, you ca not go shopping in a designer shop when you do not have enough money to shop there, likewise you cannot go to a distant school that costs a lot, so you can get education while there is an option of another school where you can go and save the little you have. Those who have limited resources or provision, will identify with those of the like standards and mentality as them, and those with more, big visions, will identify and go where like minds like them are.
The two kinds of comparisons am making show that there is a difference in perspective and thinking and thus cannot be the same. They may think of the same thing but differently. When it comes to prosperity and healing, all have a different way they view the gospel, some because they want to get richer and support ministry work, some out of lust and desire to live a flashy life, some because they are weak in health and need healing, some because they are tired of living with limitations and some because they want to exercise their faith and try the word which is life by speaking it. I will end by saying there is a great difference in perspective amongst, charismatic Christians when it comes to theological interpretation of prosperity and healing in the charismatic churches.