Browsing Artikler i tidsskrifter og bøker / Journal articles and book chapters by Author "Oftestad, Eivor Andersen"
Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Christiania 1651: A Spiritual Jerusalem
Oftestad, Eivor Andersen (Chapter, 2021)In this brief case study, Eivor Andersen Oftestad presents a description of Christiania (the name of Oslo 1624–1924), the capital of Norway, from 1651 (cf. Fig. 13.1). In this text, the spiritual significance of the Temple ... -
Hva er et barn? : samfunn og menneskesyn i endring, med vekt på bioteknologi og reproduksjon, og debatten om barn og foreldreskap
Oftestad, Eivor Andersen (Journal article, 2020)Foredrag holdt ved "Religionskritikk, konspirasjonsteorier og etikk", etterutdanningskurs for lærere, MF 6.-7. januar 2020 -
The Reformation of the Jerusalem Code in the Sixteenth Century
Oftestad, Eivor Andersen (Chapter, 2021)The multivalent interpretation of Jerusalem, earthly and celestial, constitutes a code to Scandinavian Christian Culture since its integration into Latin Christendom (ninth–twelfth century). Tracing this code through its ... -
Translatio Templi: A Conceptual Condition for Jerusalem References in Medieval Scandinavia
Oftestad, Eivor Andersen (Chapter, 2021) -
"Who Can Approach our Jerusalem without Weeping?" The Destruction of Jerusalem in Danish Sources, 1515-1729.
Oftestad, Eivor Andersen (Chapter, 2021)The Roman destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70 was an important event in theChristian storyworld. Nine sermons which treat this event, on the tenth Sunday afterTrinitatis, from 1515 to 1762, make up the core of this article. ...