Browsing MF vitenskapelig høyskole for teologi, religion og samfunn by Title
Now showing items 1833-1852 of 1886
Vis meg hvem du er! : en analyse og vurdering av forfedredyrkelse i Indonesia som en missiologisk utfordring
(Master thesis, 2013-03-21)Og simpelthen å snakke nedsettende om praksis knyttet til forfedrekulten og si at det er helt feil, er upassende og for det meste av tiden mot sin hensikt. Vi må huske på at slik praksis er ytre manifestasjoner av inngrodde ... -
Viser Trento veien? : er nærmiljømodellen fra Trento også anvendbar i norske kommuner?
(Master thesis, 2016-08-26)I denne masteroppgaven ser jeg på de faktorer som påvirker våre nærmiljøer og som videreutvikler våre samfunn, noen ganger til det beste for oss og av og til det mindre gode. Jeg ønsker å undersøke hvordan modeller som i ... -
Vulnerability in the arena of strength: An analysis of Christian sermons in the context of international sporting events
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
The Vulnerable Human and the Absent God : the Stories about Gethsemane as a Possible Source for Theological Anthropology
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018) -
Vurdering for læring - kraften av tilbakemelding. En empirisk studie av tre faglæreres perspektiver på vurdering for læring innen religion- og etikkfaget
(Master thesis, 2015-10-02)Tema for denne oppgaven er vurdering for læring og kraften av tilbakemelding i RE-faget. Problemstillingen er som følger: Hvilke perspektiver har tre faglærere på tilbakemelding som strategi innenfor vurdering for læring ... -
Vurdering for læring : elevenes opplevelse av vurderingen i KRLE-faget på ungdomsskolen
(Master thesis, 2019)Denne masteroppgaven omhandler vurdering for læring i KRLE-faget, og tar for seg følgende problemstilling: Hvordan opplever et utvalg elever på ungdomsskolen vurderingen i KRLE-faget? Gjennom to gruppeintervjuer har ... -
We have found the Messiah : Jewish believers in Jesus in antiquity
(Journal issue, 2005) -
"We have to break the dependency syndrome". The role of religion in development. An empirical study of the program Income Generating Activity operated by Bridge For Life Ethiopia
(Master thesis, 2015-10-01)This thesis addresses an empirical study of the non governmental organization (NGO) Bridge for Life Ethiopia (BLE) and how their implementation of income generating activity (IGA) can contribution to a sustainable human ... -
“We Have to Look for Peace in Our Country.” An empirical study of the Peace and Reconciliation program run by the Protestant Church Network in the Democratic Republic of Congo
(Master thesis, 2015-01-21)The objective of this thesis was to discover more about how local agents, in this case the local churches, and foreign agents, such as mission organizations and other non-governmental organizations can contribute to creating ... -
Welches Menschenbild verbreitet Richard Dawkins durch seine Autorenschaft?
(Spesialavhandling, 2011-10-18)Welches Menschenbild verbreitet Richard Dawkins durch seine Autorenschaft? Diese Problemstellung entschlüsselt sich dem Gedanken, dass ein Biologe wie Richard Dawkins sich aus einem naturwissenschaftlichen Blickwinkel auf ... -
Wexels skriftsyn - påvirket av Grundtvig?
(Spesialavhandling, 1984) -
“What a Fine Thing It Is to Be Able to Say to Oneself … ”: Reflexivity and Verbal Contexts in the Stoic Epictetus
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
What brings meaning to life in a highly secular society? A study on sources of meaning among Danes
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018) -
What happened and why? Considering the role of truth and memory in peace education curricula
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017) -
What is liberation today? : a critical analysis of the term liberation in Ivan Petrella's project and the Brazilian context
(Master thesis, 2015-06-25)Liberation theology is a political movement that grew out of the Catholic church and the wider Latin American context in the 1960s. It has been described as a moral reaction to poverty and oppression, rooted in ordinary ... -
What overarching ethical principle should a superintelligent AI follow?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
What we can learn from Mark 14:3-9 and Matthew 26:6-13 on the attitude of Jesus towards women with an application to the Reformed Church of East Africa
(Master thesis, 2011-10-18)As I read through Mark 14:3-9 and Matthew 26:6-13 on the woman who anointed Jesus was showing some sign of gratitude, humility, and love towards Jesus I began to wonder how such an understanding would affect the readers ... -
When alienated from society, conspiracy theory belief gives meaning to life
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)