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When alienated from society, conspiracy theory belief gives meaning to life
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
When We Fail to Understand Ourselves : Reflections on Theology in the Crisis of Representation
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022) -
Who are the Seven Spirits in the Book of Revelation? A Narrative Critical Approach
(Spesialavhandling, 2016-08-26) -
"Who Can Approach our Jerusalem without Weeping?" The Destruction of Jerusalem in Danish Sources, 1515-1729.
(Chapter, 2021)The Roman destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70 was an important event in theChristian storyworld. Nine sermons which treat this event, on the tenth Sunday afterTrinitatis, from 1515 to 1762, make up the core of this article. ... -
Women and property rights : a human rights and gender challenge to churches and society in Kenya (reference to the Meru community of Kenya)
(Master thesis, 2016-08-30)In many developing countries like Kenya, issues of gender discrimination are evident in form of unequal inheritance and property rights. While there seems to be numerous campaigns for the advocacy of gender equality and ... -
Worlds Apart? Atheist, Agnostic, and Humanist Worldviews in Three European Countries
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
Worship as mission : an explication of the relationship between worship and mission, as seen in the "Evangelical Lutheran Book of Worship" and among some scholars within the fields of liturgy and missiology
(Spesialavhandling, 2011-10-20)Worship and Mission are two terms that give a variety of associations. I, myself, have often understood the term “worship” in relation to a specific type of expression or genre that has more or less been related to a ... -
Yehudite Imaginations of King Darius and His Officials: Views from the Province beyond the River
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022) -
Youth Agency and Learning in Confirmation Work
(Chapter, 2024) -
Yrkeslivet som dåpsøving
(Spesialavhandling, 1977) -
Ytringsfrihet, muslimhat og religionskritikk
(Journal article, 2020) -
Å feste blikket : pastorale møter i Karl Ove Knausgårds Min Kamp
(Journal article, 2012)tfs Erfaring -
Å leve etter Guds ord - om vigsling, bøn og diakoni
(Master thesis, 2016-01-14) -
Å leve på sitt beste : dannelse i den greske antikken
(Journal article, 2011) -
Å møte menneskers åndelige behov : om samarbeidet mellom kirken og helse- og omsorgstjenesten
(Master thesis, 2011-10-19)I denne oppgaven ønsker jeg å fokusere på samarbeidet mellom kirken og den kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenesten, i forhold til å møte menneskers åndelige behov. Det gjør at jeg har valgt følgende problemstilling for min ... -
Å se Gud. Hvordan dogmet og praksisen om det salige synet kommer frem hos Francis Turretin og John Owen
(Spesialavhandling, 2016-04-08)